Saturday, September 29, 2012

Unacceptable Breads

     Happy Weekend! I must apologize for the inconsistencies in my posting schedule. I am still trying to find my rhythm when it comes to working full-time and writing regularly. First come the things I NEED to do and then I can focus on what I WANT to do. I promise that I will be better about a posting schedule for the future. You can hold me to that.
      I mentioned previously that I am a nanny. I watch two sweet children full-time during the week. The little boy is 2 1/2 and the girl is 9 months old and they are an adorable handful. In addition to watching the children I also do the cooking and a lot of the housekeeping responsibilities. I come home exhausted most days but it is so rewarding. Plus, the job allows me to cook and experiment with  food, which I could never do behind a desk! This week I made some Autumnal breads. I did some experimenting with classic recipes but was not a big fan of any of them. Let me explain.

Monday I made Pumpkin Bread:

I made this pumpkin bread using apple sauce rather than oil. I found that it turned out dry and a little bit spongy. I am going to try it next time with more pumpkin, half the oil, and half the apple sauce. It was also a little over-cooked because I was changing a diaper when I should have been taking it out of the oven. A common result of the job.

Tuesday was Banana Bread:

I liked this one well enough but, in an attempt to make it more like bread and less like cake, I only used two-thirds of the sugar I usually do. I loved the sweetness level because I could put some honey butter on it without going into a comatose state from all the sugar. But, sadly, the bread was crumbly. The crumbling was not helped by the fact that I was again changing a diaper as the timer went off.

Wednesday I made Apple Bread:

The apple bread was definitely my favorite. I would like to try it with a little more spice to it. Also, I chopped the apples but I think it would have been better had I grated them instead. There were still some obvious apple chunks and I would prefer they be integrated into the bread completely.

I will continue moving these recipes towards perfection and have them here for you to try before long. I want to make them as home so the finished products are not effected by nap schedules, except maybe my own. I was planning on posting the recipes as I made them but I do not want to give you a recipe that is less than my best. So check back later this month for the acceptable recipes.

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