Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Holy Guacamole!

     Hello all! I hope that you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I spent equal parts resting and being productive, both of which I am very thankful for. Yesterday evening I went to a little get together and was greeted by one of my best friends, guacamole! Guacamole understands what I need from a dip. I need something creamy while still being healthy. I need something salty, something fresh, and something bright. Guacamole provides for all my needs and then some! When I was growing up my family had a small garden just outside the house for all the essentials: tomatoes, garlic, jalapenos, cilantro, and other herbs. That garden was the source for many large portions of guacamole over the years, which rarely survived the dinner preparations to make it to the table.
     Seeing the guacamole last night brought up many fond memories and left me dreaming about it into the early morning. Then I went into work this morning to find that I had made a plan last week to make guacamole for my employers TODAY! I am so proud of my brain for knowing my stomach so well. I was able to make it, eat a little, and still have plenty left for it's intended purpose. I documented it in order that you may know and love my dear friend as much as I do.

Prepare yourselves...

Aside from the optional goat cheese, this is a vegan and lactose-free dish

This is what you will need:

3 large Avocados
2 Limes
3 cloves Garlic, minced
1/2 large Globe or Heirloom Tomato, diced
1/2 bunch Fresh Cilantro, rough chopped
Salt, to taste *meaning enough to make it is as salty as your taste preference
3 oz Goat Cheese (optional)

You will also need a large french or chef's knife, a cutting board, a large bowl, as well as a large spoon and a fork.

To keep the cutting board from slipping on the countertop and posing a possible injury risk, place a wet paper towel underneath. Like this:


Hint: The perfectly ripe avocado feels almost identical to the thickest part of your hand when you stretch you thumb away from your palm.

To make the guacamole, begin by cutting around the avocado longitudinally (top to bottom). Twist a little bit to separate the halves. Next you are going to want to think about something that causes you stress, then quickly (and carefully) hit the pit with the blade of your knife. Like so:

     Take the pit off the knife by grabbing tightly in a towel. Once you have halved and pitted all three avocados, cut them into cubes while they are still in their skins. Use the large spoon to scoop the cubes from the skin into your bowl. 

 Next, roll the limes between the palm of your hand and the cutting board to release the juices before you cut into them.

Now cut the limes across the equator (short side). You may be tempted to squeeze the limes over your hand or a strainer, and you are welcome to, but limes do not actually have seeds. I tell you this because I always treat limes like lemons and strain them of their seeds. I just want to save you a few extra seconds if you are anything like me. 

Juice the limes over the avocado and add a little salt. Next comes the smashing. I like to smash my guacamole with a fork because it is a utensil you can find in any kitchen and it leaves the guacamole with a little tease of avocado bits throughout. 

      Finally, add the chopped cilantro, diced tomatoes, crumbled goat cheese and any addition salt, then stir until combined. Top with more crumbled goat cheese and eat with salty, delicious tortilla chips until just before you are sick. To save yourself some not-so-good fat at a cookout, use instead of mayonnaise on burgers!

Condensed Recipe:

3 large Avocados
2 Limes
3 cloves Garlic, minced
1/2 large Globe or Heirloom Tomato, diced

1/2 bunch Fresh Cilantro, rough chopped

Salt, to taste
3 oz Goat Cheese (optional)

1. Cut the avocados in half lengthwise and remove pit. Cut each half into cubes while in the skin, then scoop into a large bowl.
2. Roll the limes to release juices, then cut in half and squeeze over avocados. Add a little salt and mash.
3. Add remaining ingredients and mix until combined.
4. Top with crumbled goat cheese and serve with tortilla chips or use as condiment with tacos, burgers, etc.

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